Contact Us

Cambodia - Guangxi - Laos - Myanmar - Thailand - Vietnam - Yunnan

Let us know what you think of our projects. Reach out to CMLC with your ideas. Find out how you can be a part of our mission. We strive to respond to all inquires with as soon as reasonably possible.

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CMLC Headquarters

China-Mekong Law Center’s U.S. Headquarters are located at:

Lucky Plaza, Suite A4
290 Ferry Street
New Jersey
United States
Office Phone:   +1 973 344 4300
Asian Programs Message Line:   +1 202 775 0335
China Mobile:   +86 135 0120 3547
Thai Mobile:   +66 61 502 2251
Myanmar Mobile:   +95 9 772583071
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 32130
Newark, New Jersey 07102
United States

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